::News and Updates::
»Author: Raven
»Date:Febuary 15 , 2004
Today I will clear out the message board. Also I have a new zoids for thouse who care to see it. The Gaurd zoids are now on their own page and may only be used sometimes. Battle System type 2 is the only excption becuase stats don't matter.
»Author: Kyo
»Date:Febuary 15, 2004
Hay , becouse of complants me and raven have moved our zoids , but we still have them , as we said befor thay are only for fighting ppl withthe guardian status. anyone with a guardian zoid ,that atempts to use it agenst anyone with out one will be fined , and there zoid will be taken, ne and raven aswell have close to starter zoids now to stop the complaning. Raven won the 15,000 credits yesterday with her Demonic Fury. Melody Xero won the 5000 gredits for plasing 2nt. well today i want to see atleast 3 fights.
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Working on it.
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Link us to you! I hope to have the buttons up soon! Just click on them and the site url then html them together! Tell people we are back to stay!