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Need to enter a team battle? Don't count on it unless your Team has a Transport....

Transport Description Cost
Carrier A single Zoid carrier. If your team has a transport and can't fit anymore Zoids into it, and you just got another Zoid, you need this carrier to hold one of your Zoids. $500
Carrier Trailer This trailer can be attached to the single Zoid Carrier to carry one extra Zoid. $200
Gustav Suitable for most team battles, can carry upto 5 Zoids. $2,500
Gustav Trailer This trailer attaches to the Gustav and can carry upto 3 extra Zoids to the battlefield. $800
Hover Cargo A larger version of the Gustav, and faster, this can carry upto 15 Zoids to the battlefield. 4,500
Whale King This large flying Whale shaped transport is rarely required for most team battles, but it can carry upto 75 Zoids. One advantage of it would be that it has its own repair shop that does Light and Moderate Repairs for half the price.[Can't do any other repair]. $9,500
Great Whale King I dont think any of you might be needing this one, but just incase you have over 75 Zoids(yeah right...) this can carry upto 150 Zoids. It comes with a Repair Shop that does all the repairs for half price.[Light, and Moderate are free] $20,000

Shadow:"Hmm DONT go near the Organoid page!"