The Guardians are the freedome fighters of Zi and of SZS. These freice fighters will fight evil to the death in the name of Zi and in the honor of SZS. These Pilots have unmatchable skill level and therefore they may challange you, but you can not challange them. If you face a gaurdian you will get something good. Even if you loose, you had the guts to fight in the first place. A lucky few are admited each zoidain year or so... they will come to you about joinging... othetr then that they live in thr shadows and defend the helpless and weak. Beware the Rage of the Liger...They are here to Protect you!
Guard Zoids
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Team Account(that they have on them) |
Team Transport |
Team Record |
Stored Items |
None Needed |
Whake kings, hover cargos,gustavs |
0-0-0 Class X |
None |
Team Leader

Character Name: Raven Kusanagi
Character Age: 22
Character Gender: Female
Character Personality: Clam most of the time, needs to take battles seriously, rarely backs down from a challenge
Character Bio: After years of training under her father (General John Stealth), she's finally free and out on her own. Has a problem with most authority and rarely listens when people are talking to her unless, she wants to pay attention. She also barely tolerates her younger cousin Jessica Frost. She will do anything also to protect her daughter Melody.She Is very caring and will help anyone out.
Character Description : Height: 5' 7
Weight:110 lb.
Eye Color:Dark Emerald Green
Hair Color:Dark Maronish-Red
Clothes: Black Bandana tied up around her forehead. Tight black leather pants, a white low cut shirt with ice blue flames rapping around the sides that come up to one point on the front. She has black boots that her pants drape over. Other Stuff :( Tattoo's) The 3 diamonds of the Stealth family symbol ( Layed next to each other (see pic) first is a red, then black then red pattern, left side of her face). On her left arm mid way down from her shoulder is a phoenix that's being rapped around by two dragons one is blue the other green.
Rank: Class X
Battle Record: ???-0-0
NPC Record:???-???-??
Individual Points:0
Job:Updater, Owner, Head Judge
Money She has on her:None Needed
Email: :[email protected]
Skill Level: Legend [+??? Dodges] | [???? Training Sessions]
AOL / Aim BackdraftSlash,TigerShrksSahdow, BOrganoidShadow,

Organoid Exp. Points: 20,015[+100,075 to Stats][ unlocked]
Name: Shadow
Gender: Female
Items: Advanced Organoid A.I,Organoid Potential Unlock ( ??? Exp. Points left), Organoid Potential Ultimate Release(??? Exp. Points Left), Anti A.I.
Liger's CAS's,Liger 0 X & E CAS( X &E ARE Not allowed in ANY normal Match, 0999 as well)
Primary Zoid:Shield Liger Mark II LS[ Evo. to Red Blade Liger LS]
Zoid Nickname: Red Blade Liger
Zoid Colors: Red Armor, Black Claws & Cockpit, Sliver Blades
Speed:450[Dodges 35]
Weapons:Twin 8-shot Rocket Boxes x2(120)| Hardened Alloy Strike Claws x2 (50)| Hardened Alloy Teeth(60)| Triple Impact Cannon(170)|Two Heavy Beam Cannonsx2 (200)| Laser Blades x2 (75)
Equipment:Lock on Computer| Infared Scanners| Heat Sencor| Smoke Box|Auto Dodge Pack x2|Optical Camo.|High-Speed Stabilizer||Heavy Duty Suspensions|Smoke Dischargers |Artificial Inteligence|Mirage Counter|Pulse Detector| Advanced Patch|Enhanced Boosters x2 (+150 speed, restores 8 dodges+ 50 to meele attack, 6 times per match)|High Energy Thrusters x4(+100 speed, restores 6 dodges+ 25 to meele attack, 6 times per match)| E-Shield Generator
Special Abilities:Frontal Force Shield:Blocks one attack or Cuts a CPC's damage in half.
Record with Zoid: 0-0-0
Zoid: Zaber Fang [ HoloTech, will be given away at next tournament]
Zoid Nickname: Stealth X
Zoid Colors: Like the Holo Saber Tiger only ptich black
Speed:400[30 Dodges]
Weapons:Twin AZ185mm beam cannons(210)| Twin 20 mm Cannons x4 (75)|Hardened Alloy Claws x2 (75)| Steel Alloy Teeth(60)| |Twin 30mm Cannons (100)| Triple Impact Cannon (200)| Strike Laser Killing Fangs x2 (250)
Equipment:Lock on Computer| Infared Scanners| Heat Sencor| Smoke Box|Auto Dodge Pack x2|Optical Camo.|High-Speed Stabilizer|Ion Booster x2(+ 35 dodges + 50 to meele attacks can be used twice power up lasts 2 turns, maybe used twice)|Heavy Duty Suspensions|Smoke Dischargers | Raven Tech. Armor|Cooling Fan|Artificial Inteligence|Mirage Counter|Pulse Detector| Advanced Patch| Charged Partical Shield Generator| HoloTech. Armor { simmi. 2 raven tech. armor but last longer & holo can be used at anytime. samle rules as Raven tech. Armor]
Tournament Zoid: Berserk Fuhrer
Zoid Nickname: Demonic Fury(Fury X)
Zoid Colors:Normal ( as in no purpleish armor just basic black)
Speed:900[50 Dodges]
Weapons:Twin AZ185mm beam cannons(inside blades) (210)| Rotating Laser Blades x 6 (150)|Hardened Alloy Claws x2 (75)| Steel Alloy Teeth(60)| Charged Patical Cannon x2( inside Blades) (300)| Super Charged Partical Cannon (700)| Steel Alloy Tail (100)|12 pod Missile Launger x2 ( hip mounted) (120)
Equipment:Lock on Computer| Infared Scanners| Heat Sencor| Smoke Box|Auto Dodge Pack x2|Optical Camo.|High-Speed Stabilizer|Ion Booster x2(+ 35 dodges + 50 to meele attacks can be used twice power up lasts 2 turns, maybe used twice)|Heavy Duty Suspensions|Smoke Dischargers | Raven Tech. Armor| Foot Locks x2|Partical Beam Unison (1,300 twice per match, one turn to cool down)| Cooling Fan|Artificial Inteligence|Mirage Counter|Pulse Detector | Charged Partical Shield Generator| Advanced Patch

Character Name: Kyo Kusanagi
Character Age: ??
Character Gender: Male
Character Personality: He beleves in the nobal ways of the Knight, but at the same time is Phycotic so watch your self when chalanging him.
Character Bio: He has been arround for many years, but has not talked to many people. He is the Loyal Guardian of Raven. he is a very mystereious person and is
only known by those he lets known. if you want more info talk to Raven.
Character Description : Height:5'9
Weight:158 lb.
Eye Color:Ash Gray
Hair Color:Black
Clothes: He wears a black jacket with black gloves, both have a golden sun on them , as he wears a pare of black jeans and a white tee shirt with Black Vans Skating Shoes.
Rank: Class X
Battle Record: ???-0-0
NPC Record:???-???-??
Individual Points:0
Job: Upgrader, Cas and Zoid Designer/ Builder ( Lvl 4 Mechanic)
Money He has on him:None Needed
Email: :[email protected]
Skill Level: Legend [+??? Dodges] | [???? Training Sessions]
AOL / Aim Squallionheart17

Organoid Exp. Points: 19,567[+99,000 to Stats][ unlocked]
Name: Outlaw
Gender: Male
Items: Advanced Organoid A.I,Organoid Potential Unlock ( ??? Exp. Points left), Organoid Potential Ultimate Release(??? Exp. Points Left), Anti A.I.
Primary Zoid Midnight Saber Fang DS
Zoid NicknameDark Sniper - DS
Speed:1000 [50 dodges]
Wepons:Strike Lazer killing fangs x2 [250] |Doul Hybrid Cannon x2 [250 shouldietr mounted ]| Xtreeme Stike Claws (100)| Charged Partical Beam Cannon (300)| 20mm Sniper Rifel ( 350dmg , double dodges to dodge)
Equiptment:Midnight Holotech Coating (same as armor )| Shield Generator AZ(adds 500 to shield , regenerates 300 of it every 3 turns)|Midnight Stealth (allows 12 attacks per turn)|Cooling fan| Coolent System| |Heavy Duity Leg Support ( allows you to fire any partical gun with out foot locks)| Infecuious coating 1 and 2 | Holographic Projector|
Special Abilitys
Guardian Angel: when it loses more then 700 armor , this zoids sniper rifel dose 1000dmg.
Records With This Zoid: 0-0-0
Zoid: Slashing Blade Liger V2
Zoid Nickname:
Zoid Colors:
Speed:2700 [155Dodges]
Shield: 1000
Weapons:Laser Blades x 4 (500)| Steel Alloy Teeth (200)| Strike Laser Claw x2 (40)| Dual Impact Cannon (150)| 50mm Sniper Rifel(600)
Equipment:Lock on Computer| Infared Scaner| SmokeBox|AT Boosters ( +500 speed +20)
Record With this Zoid 0-0-0
Record with Zoid: 0-0-0
Character Name: Drake Sliver
Character Age: 25
Character Gender: Male
Character Personality: He is not know very well only little is seen of him but some say he's very clam and most of the time doesn?t lose his temper.
Character Bio: After being cast out by his fellow pilots he was left in the dessert for death. A older pilot found him and brought him back from the brink of death. The boy couldn?t remember a thing from his past the man found a picture in the boy?s jacket. It was a picture of a woman and a organoid. Since The man couldn?t find out his name he gave him the name Drake Sliver. After studying a art of war with the man for 6 years he set out on his own wandering the dessert for 5 years training his body and his mind. After 11 years of no one knowing him one day a man called out to him Brad he just kept walking away and now he finds himself in a small town preparing for the future.
Character Description : Height:6'2
Weight:180 lb.
Eye Color:Emerald-green
Hair Color:Jet Black
Clothes:Red Bandana tied up around his forehead, black long sleeve button up shirt with a black leather vest over it long black leather chaps over blue jeans, coved by a long black leather trench coat and black leather motorcycle boots.
Rank: Class X
Battle Record: ???-0-0
NPC Record:???-???-??
Individual Points:0
Job: ???
Money He has on him:None Needed
Email: :[email protected]
Skill Level: Legend [+??? Dodges] | [???? Training Sessions]
AOL / Aim Commander9073

Organoid Exp. Points: 215[+1,075 to Stats][UNLOCKED]
Gender: Male
Items: D.I., A.I. Anti A.I., Advanced D.I., Death system, Advanced Death System
Zoid: Death Breaker
Zoid Nickname: Knight
Zoid Colors:
Speed: 30,000 [1500 Dodges]
Armor: 30,000
Shield: 30,000
Weapons: Death Breakers Special Charged Partical Beam Cannon(5000 charges for 4 turns 1 if you have cooling fan)| Death Breakers Retractable Claws x2(2000)
Equipment: Foot Locks x2| Scope Lens| Lock on Comp| Infared Scanner| Opitical Camo| Heat sensor|Diamond Studded Armor| Cooling Fan|Updated Virus| Auto Dodge Pack x4| Charged Shield Generator| Death Shield x2| Death Breaker?s Beam Cannon Special(9000 takes 2 turns to charge and it can?t move till its done charging 2 turns to cool down does 1000 damage to it?s self and can use only once) | Black Box|A.I.|Anti A.I.|Attack Booster x2
Zoid: Koing Wolf Ultimate X
Zoid Nickname:Demon
Zoid Colors:White with red lightning coming off the feet and head and forming one lorge bolt at the end and covers the whole tail.
Speed:2130 [ 110 Dodges]
Weapons:Strike Laser Claws x2 (300)|Ultamate Partical Beam Cannon x2 (2200)
Equipment:Flight Pack AT| Foot Locks| Cooling Fan| Scope | Black Box|A.I.|Anti A.I.|Attack Booster x2| Smoke Discharges| Advaced Heat Secencors
Record with Zoid: 31-0-0
Zoid:Lightning Saix Hell Fury *can not be hit with any death weapons*��
Zoid Nickname: Streak
Zoid Colors: jet black with red vents
Speed:55000[2900 dodges]
Weapons: Hell?s Bash Cannons x4(13000), Hell?s Fury Siax Claws x2(7000), Hell?s Diamond Plated Saix Teeth(8000), Hell Fury Siax UPBC x4(9500), Double Barrel Death AZ40mm Cannon x4(8000), Hell Fury?s Laser Blades x4(9000) �
Equipment: Death Boosters x5(restores 10,000 speed and 500 dodges), Dodge enhancer(doubles your dodges), Death armor, Death System, Charge System(allows you to fire two weapons at once), Death Inteligence(modified for Saix), A.I., Anit A.I., Black Box, Muti Sensor( sees threw all smoke and cloak type equitment), Advanced Artificial Inteligence, Smoke Box x2, Smoke dischargers, Death camo, Death smoke discharger, Death Chip(once armor drops below 10000 all melee doubles)., Predator Intelligence, Invisible Cloak x4, Death's Spical(522,000) , BBB(122,000 must cool for 1 turn) Panzers Mega Bomb(124,000), PBU (38,000 must cool for 2 turns), Wild Fire(58,000), Updated Virus, Death Virus(when your opponet steps onto the battle field all his equipment is un useable including attacks) Death net., coolant system, Elemental Tri-Force Blast(180,000), Advanced Death System
Record with Zoid: 4-0-0
CAS Unit: Death Jager Unit Ultimate X(a.k.a Streak Storm)<
Speed: +4500(+225 extra dodges)
Weapons:Death Claws x2(3000)| Double Barrel Chest Cannon(2000)
Equipment:Death Boosters x3| Primal Chip| Predator chip| Auto dodges pack x4| Optical camo.| Smoke Box| Smoke Discharger| Heat Sensor, foot locks x2| Holographic Mimic Armor| Death Inteligence(modified for ligers)| CAS built in |Black Box|A.I.|Anti A.I.
CAS Unit:Death Schneider Unit Ultimate X(a.k.a. Streak Attacker)
Speed: +3500(+200 extra dodges)
Armor: +3000
Weapons:Death Slash(3000), 9-Blade Death Attack(5000)
Equipment: Death Boosters x2| Primal Chip| Black Box A.I.| Anti A.I.| Auto dodges pack x4| Optical camo.| Smoke Box| Smoke Discharger| Heat Sensor| Holographic Mimic Armor| Death Inteligence(modified for ligers)| CAS built in.| 9-blade attack computer(allows you to pull all 9 blades without freezing)
CAS Unit: Death Panzer Pain Unit Ultimate X(a.k.a. Streak X)
Speed: +3000(+150 extra dodges)
Armor: +2500
Weapons: 16-pod Death Launcher x4(1000)| Face Mounted 8-Pod Death Launcher x2(1500)| Shoulder Mounted Death Hybrid Cannon x2(2500)| Death Vulcans x2(1500)
Equipment:Scope| Flight Pack AT| Lock on Comp x2| Optical Camo.| Updated Virus| Heat Sensor| Auto Dodge pack x4| Foot locks x2| Black Box| A.I.| Anti A.I.| Burning Big Bang(20,000 must cool for one turn and armor falls off after ward must CAS)| Panzers Cannon Assault(10,000)| Shield Buster| Smoke Box| Invisable Cloak| Stealth Camo Armor| Death Booster x2| Primal Chip| Death Armor| Built In CAS| Death Inteligence(modified for ligers)
| |