CAS's Theme Song: Bobmshell CAS Unit: Basic White Liger Zero Armor( Ultimate X ) Speed: +40,000(+ 100 extra dodges) Armor: +40,000 Shield: + 75,00 Weapons:Laser Blades x2(8,000)|Destroyer Cannon ( 45,000 adds 5,000 every fight )| Midnight Strike ( 15,000, cloaks rest of fight, undetectable)| Raven's Claw ( 40,000 Must Cool Down 1 turn) Equipment:Heat Sensor|E-Shield Generator x3|Flight Pack AT x3| CAS System |Organoid System[changed from black box]|A.I.|Anti A.I.|Attack Booster x2|Dark Star Shield|High Density Lead Compound Armor x2|Ion Booster x2(+ 25 dodges + 100 to meele attacks can be used twice power up lasts 2 turns)| Internal Armor Coating |Advanced Artificial Inteligence| Predator Chip|Stealth Camouflage Armor|Predator Inteligence| Predator X Chip| Smoke Box| Smoke Dischargers x4 |Demon Enhancer| Shield Buster|Electromagnetic Net Gun|Optical Camoflage|Dark Wip| Demon Shield|Holographic Mimic Armor| Auto Dodge Packx4 |High-Speed Stabilizer|Heavy Duty Suspensions|High Energy Thrusters x4| Stealth Shield |Dark Star Sheild x2| Shield Buster| Advanced Patch| Time Frame Armor|Muti Sensor ( sees threw all smoke and cloack type equitment)|Updated Virus |Terminator |4 high-output thrustersx2| 2 shoulder-mounted high-output thrusters x2| Lock on Computer| Cooling Fan| Wild Fire (Instant Kill takes one turn to cool down|Flight Pack AT|Deffance Boosters| Scope|Tornado|Dark Star Sheildx6| Refletive Shieldx2| Doge Chip x3| Primal Chip| Preditor Stealth ( cloaks your zoid compleatly , aswel as adds 5,000 to its armor , it is undetectabul for the rest fo the match , no mater what , and is not effected by any virus)| Built In Organoid ( adds 1200 to armor and speed , one time per match when you decide)|Light Liger Armor x 4 |Blade Scopes Special Abilities: Pulse Strike laser Claw [LG-001] (200,000): A stronger verson of strike laser claw, does not count as using an attack. May be used 6 times per match Ram Shield (75,000): Ram the oppoent with your shield may use unitll shield falls. CAS Unit: Liger Zero Panzer Ultimate X Speed: +50,050(+ 210 extra dodges) Armor: +60,375 Weapons: Laser Cannon(1,300) | 6 Pod Napalm x3(2,200) | 8 Pod Rocket(1,360)| Thunder Cannon (100,300)|AZ 122mm Hyper Laser Gun (1,325)|AZ 30 mm Laser Vulcan Gun ( 1,500, 15 extra dodges needed)|Elemental Cannon x2 (2,050)|Omega Dark Star Beam(3,000)|100 mm Pivoting Cannon [RZ-027]x2(95,000)|90 mm Pivoting Cannon [RZ-016]x2 (85,000)|70 mm Pivoting Cannon [RZ-033]x2 (75,000)| Blizzard Cannon (100,000) Equipment:Cloak System |High Density Lead Compound Armor | Heat Sensor|Lock on Computer |Scopex3| Smoke Box x2| Stealth Camouflage Armor|Black Box|A.I.|Anti A.I.|Attack Booster x2 | Smoke Dischargersx2|Electromagnetic Net Gun |Flight Pack AT x3 |Optical Camoflage|Pulse Detector|Anit-Lock on|Deffence Boosters| Mega Bomb (Fires all Long Range weapons:Instant Kill panzer armor falls off after words and the zoid MUST cas!) |Muti Sensor ( sees threw all smoke and cloack type equitment)|Advanced Artificial Inteligence| Shield Buster | Advanced Patch| Primal Chip|Updated Virus |Terminator| Light Liger Armor x8 |Mirage Armor( stops direct attacks)|Apocalypse Missile Barrage Special Abilities: Burning Big Bang:[Fires all Long Range weapons. Damage: Instant Kill. Requires 1 turn to cool down Hybrid Cannons x2(500,000): Takes one turn to charge, fires to beam at opponet both doing the damage! Particle Beam Unison: [ Fires all CPC's. Damage: Instant Kill: Requires 2 turns to cool down. Charged Partial Cannon x3: [Hidden in: Mouth and Shoulders. Damage: Mouth: 5,000,000 Shoulders: 100,000, takes one turn to charge. Super Charged Particle Beam Cannon:[ Hidden on back. Damage: Instant Kill, take two turns to cool off. Electro Magnetic Strike Laser Claw x2: [ Super Charged SLC. Damage:Instant Kill, allows the zoid to get untrapped. CAS Unit: Liger Zero Jager Ultimate X Speed: +60,950 Armor: +20,325 Weapons:Dual Shot Impact Cannon(1,600)|90 mm Pivoting Cannon [RZ-016](85,000) Equipment:High Energy Thrusters x2 | Ion Boosters x2 | Diamond Studded Armor| Stealth Camouflage Armor|Flight Pack AT x8 |Smoke Dischargers | Scope| Anti Lock on|Proton Booster x2|Advanced Heat Sensor|Lock on Computer| Smoke Box |Black Box|A.I.|Anti A.I.|Attack Booster x2|Advanced Artificial Inteligence| Advanced Patch | Light Liger Armor x8 Special Abilities: Strike Laser Claw x2:[ Standered Stike Laser Claw. Damage: 500,000 Pulse Strike laser Claw [LG-001] (200,000): A stronger verson of strike laser claw, does not count as using an attack. May be used 6 times per match CAS Unit: Liger Zero Schneider Ultimate X Speed: +40,400 Armor: +20,350 Weapons:Laser Blades x7 (105,000) Equipment: Shoulder-Mounted High-Output Thrusters x2| High-Output Thrusters x4[Restores 6 Dodges (Speed +150) when used(Can use 6 times). Increases Melee weapon damage by 25 for 2 turns] | Buster Slash Combo Unit | 7 Blade Attack Combo Unit|A.I.| Stealth Camouflage Armor| Lock on Computer| Smoke Box|Black Box|A.I.|Anti A.I.|Attack Booster x2 |Advanced Artificial Inteligence|Smoke Dischargers x4| Advanced Patch | Light Liger Armor x8 | Flight Pack AT x 4|Blade Scopes Special Abilities: Buster Slash x3:[ Standered Buster Slash. Damage: 400,000. 7 Blade Attack x4:[ Standered 7 Blade Attack. Damage: Instant Kill. CAS Unit: Death Panzer Pain Unit (a.k.a Remix, Cockpit is green not white for people who can't see the head) Speed: +25,000(+100 extra dodges) Armor: +20,000 Weapons: 16-pod Death Launcher x4(1000)| Face Mounted 8-Pod Death Launcher x2(1500)|Death Vulcans x2(1500) Equipment:Scope| Flight Pack AT| Lock on Comp x2| Optical Camo.| Updated Virus| Heat Sensor| Auto Dodge pack x4| Foot locks x2| A.I.| Anti A.I.|Shield Buster| Smoke Box| Invisable Cloak| Stealth Camo Armor| Death Booster x2| Primal Chip| Death Armor| Built In CAS| Death Inteligence(modified for ligers)| Advanced Patch |Apocalypse Missile Barrage Special Abilities: Shoulder Mounted Death Hybrid Cannon x2:[Supper strong Hybrid Cannons. Damage: 800,000. Burning Big Bang:[ Fires all Long Range Weapons.Damage: Instant Kill,must cool for one turn and armor falls off after word must CAS) Panzers Cannon Assault:[ A rappid Cannon Fire. Damage:(Instant Kill) CAS Unit: Death Jager Unit ( Depcon , has a black were ever white on normal Jager) Speed: +45,000(+175 extra dodges) Weapons:Death Claws x2(3,000)| Double Barrel Chest Cannon(2,000) Equipment:Death Boosters x3| Primal Chip| Predator chip| Auto dodges pack x4| Optical camo.| Smoke Box| Smoke Discharger| Heat Sensor, foot locks x2| Holographic Mimic Armor| Death Inteligence(modified for ligers)| CAS built in |Black Box|A.I.|Anti A.I. | Advanced Patch Special Abilities: Pulse Strike laser Claw [LG-001] (200,000): A stronger verson of strike laser claw, does not count as using an attack. May be used 6 times per match Death Slash: (400,000) once per match auto freezes opposing zoid CAS Unit:Death Schneider Unit( Death Blade, Everything Orange on regular cas is black, blades are blood red.) Speed: +35,000(+150 extra dodges) Armor: +30,000 Weapons: Laser Blades x9 (100,000)|Death Slash(30,000) Equipment: Death Boosters x2| Primal Chip| Black Box A.I.| Anti A.I.| Auto dodges pack x4| Optical camo.| Smoke Box| Smoke Discharger| Heat Sensor| Holographic Mimic Armor| Death Inteligence(modified for ligers)| CAS built in | Advanced Patch | Buster Slash Combo Unit | 7 Blade Attack Combo Unit| 9-Blade Attack Computer(allows you to pull all 9 blades without freezing)|Blade Scopes Special Abilities: Buster Slash x3:[ Standered Buster Slash. Damage: 400,000. 7 Blade Attack x4:[ Standered 7 Blade Attack. Damage: Instant Kill. 9-Blade Death Attack:[ Standered 9 Blade Attack. Damage: Instant Kill. Pulse Strike laser Claw [LG-001] (200,000): A stronger verson of strike laser claw, does not count as using an attack. May be used 6 times per match Death Slash: (400,000) once per match auto freezes opposing zoid ![]() CAS Unit:Blaze CAS Speed: +150,000 Armor: +150,0000 Shield: +150,000 Weapons: Flame Blaster( 10,000)| Burning Blaster( Instant Kill)| Blazing Strike ( Instant Kill)| Electro Bluster Cannon ( 7,000)| KamaKazi Destroyer Cannon ( 30,000)| Charged Partical Crush ( 5,000)| Destroyer Cannon Version 2 ( 10,000 ,)| Dyne Blast ( 8, 000)| Breaker Slash ( 5,000)| MegaPlex( 24,000)| Knight Lance( 30,000 Special , Sends a Blade out of the Mouth of the zoid , in the shape of a sword ) Equipment: Delta Force| Sonic Speed ( your zoid takes 1/4 damnage , or only has to use 1/2 dodges )|Knight Pride ( your zoid adds 50,000 to all wepons at any time it chooses , only once per fight )|Snipers Shot ( your zoid dose double damnage one time per battle)|Pride of a Lion ( adds 100,000 to armor at any time , once per fight ) Special Abilities: Pulse Strike laser Claw [LG-001] (200,000): A stronger verson of strike laser claw, does not count as using an attack. May be used 6 times per match Knight Slash: (400,000) once per match auto freezes opposing zoid Fuzor Info: Fuzor Attack: Tempest Strike Laser Claw, Covers entire feild (Instant Kill) used as last deffence only. Fusion Adds: Flight, Shield becomes Rainbow E-Shield( can fully rengerate Twice) Liger can be hit by Anti Air. Just add Phoenix's Stats in. Time allowed to Fuse: Whole Match Special Abilities: Talon Stirke: (Instant Kill) Enemy zoid gets picked up then dropped from a mile in the sky as its blasted by sonic booms on the way down and up! Sonic Boom Slash (400,000) hits all over the field whenever the zoid's speed increases! Wings of Redemption: Heals zoids, pilot chooses. Gains 1/2 back of all stats. Cuts all oppoents stats in half. Once per match These Cas's are VERY deadly and each part needs explaining for Liger 0 X and Empirical Servus Type . So they must be put on a page buy themselves! Eventually I will move the Liger onto its own page as well 2 save room and to further explain the Cas's. Liger Empirical Servus Type This armor is the key to the power of the Liger 0 X. This Cas can fall off at any time and is EASILY broken. If this zoid is hit by Lightning or Thunder the Liger 0 X armor is auto summoned as every zoid is forzen for one turn for the armor to complete its transformation. This is VERY deadly with the power of Liger 0 X! CAS Unit: Liger 0 Emperical Servus Armor( [RedStorm]Ultimate X ) Speed: +60,000(+ 400 extra dodges) Armor: +60,000 Shield: +75,00 Weapons:Dual Impact Cannon (120,000) |Hardened Alloy Teeth(7,000)| Hardened Alloy Claws x4 (7,500)| Tail Gun (7,500)| Thunder Cannon ( inside mouth) 100,000 Equipment:Heat Sensor|E-Shield Generator x3|Flight Pack AT x3| CAS System |Organoid System[changed from black box]|A.I.|Anti A.I.|Attack Booster x2|Dark Star Shield|High Density Lead Compound Armor x2|Ion Booster x2(+ 25 dodges + 100 to meele attacks can be used twice power up lasts 2 turns)| Internal Armor Coating |Advanced Artificial Inteligence| Predator Chip|Stealth Camouflage Armor|Predator Inteligence| Predator X Chip| Smoke Box| Smoke Dischargers x4 |Demon Enhancer| Shield Buster|Electromagnetic Net Gun|Optical Camoflage|Dark Wip| Demon Shield|Holographic Mimic Armor| Auto Dodge Packx4 |High-Speed Stabilizer|Heavy Duty Suspensions|High Energy Thrusters x4| Stealth Shield |Dark Star Sheild x2| Shield Buster| Advanced Patch| Time Frame Armor|Muti Sensor ( sees threw all smoke and cloack type equitment)|Updated Virus |Terminator |4 high-output thrustersx2| 2 shoulder-mounted high-output thrusters x2| Lock on Computer| Cooling Fan| Wild Fire (Instant Kill takes one turn to cool down|Flight Pack AT|Deffance Boosters| Scope|Tornado|Dark Star Sheildx6| Refletive Shieldx2| Doge Chip x3| Primal Chip| Preditor Stealth ( cloaks your zoid compleatly , aswel as adds 5,000 to its armor , it is undetectabul for the rest fo the match , no mater what , and is not effected by any virus)||Light Liger Armor x 4 |Blade Scopes|Lightning Cas System|Twin Linked Ion boosters|Raven. Tech. Armor| Special Abilities: Plasma Strike Laser Claw: Super charged Form of Strike Laser Claw (glows black) cuts armor down by 1/4 each hit. 3 Times per zoid Lightning CAS System: Whenever hit by Lightning or Thunder the Liger's X armor will auto show up. Thunder Cannon Dishcarge: enter //roll into the chat whenever a Eletro, Electric, Thunder or Elemantale weapon is fires / used. If its Even Lightning strikes the zoid and the X armor can become usable! Thunder Roar: Once this armor is put of you MUST use //roll, if Even the auto lightning formed when this zoid steps onto the field will allow Liger 0 X to be used if odd 1,000 Damage is done to a zoid of choice in the form of a THUNDER BOLT!!! Liger 0 X This armor is diffrent from other armors because it is not stored but formed in battle. The armor gets its power straight from lightning and can make its self stronger by powering it self up. If you power it up 2 much the zoid will explode and you will not have a chance to get out of the cockpit. The judge will warn you by saying "Energy Critical Level.... Discharge energy or blow up!" after that the zoid MUST discharge its energy if not bye ... it was nice knowing you. Critical Level for this CAS : 20 turns.... All armor marks with* means it takes a turn of energy charging to prepare for the attack. The Liger's reaction time increases if the match goes on to long the zoid will go out of control and attack EVERYTHING on the feild! Also the longer the Liger has been charging weapon the stronger they are... the** are just the basic turns needed.... REMEMBER:Critical Level for this CAS : 20 turns.... ![]() CAS Unit: Liger 0 X Armor([Hailstorm]Ultimate X ) Speed: +140,000(+ 600 extra dodges) Armor: +140,000 Shield: +175,00 Weapons:Dual Impact Cannon (150,000)| Hardened Alloy Ion Blades (50,000)| Hardened Alloy Claws(7,500)| Hardened Alloy Teeth(7,000) Equipment:Heat Sensor|E-Shield Generator x3|Flight Pack AT x3| CAS System |Organoid System[changed from black box]|A.I.|Anti A.I.|Attack Booster x2|Dark Star Shield|High Density Lead Compound Armor x2|Ion Booster x2(+ 25 dodges + 100 to meele attacks can be used twice power up lasts 2 turns)| Internal Armor Coating |Advanced Artificial Inteligence| Predator Chip|Stealth Camouflage Armor|Predator Inteligence| Predator X Chip| Smoke Box| Smoke Dischargers x4 |Demon Enhancer| Shield Buster|Electromagnetic Net Gun|Optical Camoflage|Dark Wip| Demon Shield|Holographic Mimic Armor| Auto Dodge Packx4 |High-Speed Stabilizer|Heavy Duty Suspensions|High Energy Thrusters x4| Stealth Shield |Dark Star Sheild x2| Shield Buster| Advanced Patch| Time Frame Armor|Muti Sensor ( sees threw all smoke and cloack type equitment)|Updated Virus |Terminator |4 high-output thrustersx2| 2 shoulder-mounted high-output thrusters x2| Lock on Computer| Cooling Fan| Wild Fire (Instant Kill takes one turn to cool down|Flight Pack AT|Deffance Boosters| Scope|Tornado|Dark Star Sheildx6| Refletive Shieldx2| Doge Chip x3| Primal Chip| Preditor Stealth ( cloaks your zoid compleatly , aswel as adds 5,000 to its armor , it is undetectabul for the rest fo the match , no mater what , and is not effected by any virus)||Light Liger Armor x 4 |Blade Scopes |Lightning CAS System| Engery Charge Tail Spikes| Upper Leg Mounted Lightning/ Engery Gathering Plates|Raven. Tech. Armor| Special Abilities: Plasma Strike Laser Claw: Super charged Form of Strike Laser Claw (glows black) cuts armor down by 1/4 each hit. 3 Times per zoid ***Ionic Blade Attack: The shorter then normal blades glow a bright yellow them slash the oppent, cutting anything it touches off... it will also burn the zoid cuasing 1/10 of its armor to be eaten away if they survie an attack. Can attack 2 zoids at once.Damage: 100,000 (3 turns) Optical Stealth Camouflage: Blends Liger 0 X into the surrounding area allows it to dodge 4 attacks without being seen once per fight. IR Suppression Equipment : Blocks the liger from being seen on ANY Scanner and Homming Missles will not effect the zoid, neither will any heat tracking attacks. This is always on. *****Ionization Array : A feild of ions protect the Liger for 6 turns, no zoid can get into close range comabt. Touching the Shield will result will in freeing for 3 turns and everthing on the zoild will fail. All weapons will get tweeaked when the ion feild is up. 2 Times per match ( 5 turns) ********Electromagnetic Discharge: All engery that it was charging will leave the zoid in forms on Lightning Bolts. Attacks Every thing on the feild. Put //roll into the chat, add numbers up if its EVEN that zoids is auto csf. Other zoids are forzen for 2 turns and can not move pilot chooses one weapon to be put offline for the rest of the match. Lightning CAS System: This allows Liger 0 X to degrade to its lesser form when it has no engery.... |