Character Name:Melody Xero Character Age:16 Character Gender: Female Character Personality:energetic,unsure of herself, often hides behind a stronger pilot.. aka Mommy( Raven) Character Bio:Melody is the daughter of Raven and her X-husband X. When Melody was just a new born, X wanted to rulled the world so Raven took her and when into hiding for 11 years. ( hence the time changes) She learned a great deal from her mother and can keep up wiht her in a zoid but she lacks major battle skils. She hopes to one day be a glimpce of her mogher's shadow but that is very far off. Raven's organoids shadow holds a close bond with Melody since she was the baby sistter but she can not contorl her. Guardain is Xin. Character Description : Height:5'2 Weight:100 Eye Color:Light Emarld Green Hair Color:Brownish- Red Clothes:In pic above. Rank: Class E Battle Record: 0-0-0 NPC Record:4-0-0 Individual Points:0 Job:Mechanic Money:$20,000 Email:None Skill Level:Rookie [+0 Dodges] | [0 Training Sessions] AOL / Aim WhiteBladeLiger X Primary Zoid:Lighting Saix Zoid Nickname:Advenger Zoid Colors: Black and green ( were its noramly red), Has Renegade's Markings Speed:315[ 12 Dodges, When armor breaks off speed and doudges double] Armor:215[ When armor breaks off has 175 armor] Weapons: Steel Alloy Teeth (40)| Lightning Beam Cannons (AZ 122mm Hyper Laser Gun )(160)| Claws x2 (25) Equipment:Lock on Computer| Infrarend Scanners| Saix's Training Armor| Foot Locks| Enhanced Boosters x2 ( mounted behind/ in back gun) Special Ability: Saix Training Armor, Gives the saix more armor but lowers speed. once armor takes 50 damage the armor breaks off alowing the saix to travel at MUCH faster speeds. Record With this Zoid0-0-0 ![]() Character Name:Xin Xero NickName: X Character Age:16 Character Gender: Male Character Personality:He is vary inteligent, but at the same time is vary bull headed aswell.( Raven) Character Bio: The Guardian of Melody , he has a cocky attatude and is aswell a good shot. He is learning quickly as he stays arround Kyo , Raven and Melody how to control a zoid and build new ones. Character Description : Height:5'6 Weight:138 Eye Color:Green Hair Color:Blonde Clothes:In pic above. Rank: Class E Battle Record: 0-0-0 NPC Record:0-0-0 Individual Points:0 Job: Money:$1 Email:None Skill Level:Rookie [+0 Dodges] | [0 Training Sessions] AOL / Aim GuardianXin Xero Primary Zoid:Bezerk Fury Zoid Nickname:Knight Zoid Colors: Black Body, Gold emblems with a metal "X" Speed:410[ 16 Dodges] Armor:310 [ When armor breaks off has armor 75] Weapons: Steel Alloy Tail (40)| AZ Claws x2 (25)| Rotating Blades X2 (30) | 50mm cannon ( 15 Equipment:Infrarend Scanners| Foot Locks| Raven tech armor: allows 3 attacks per turn. Special Ability: Spear Fury: Transforms into Spear Fury Fires Spears Every where ( 155 dmg) must be left then 110 armor left. Giga Charged Partical Cannon: (500)dose not need foot locks, freezes oponent for 1 turn , for Spear Fury and normal Record With this Zoid0-0-0 ![]() Character Name:Andre Greenwood Character Age:17 Character Gender: Male Character Personality: If someone gives disrespect me or my family i will terminatethem.I like to work out and gain mucle.I dislike all that is racest. Character Bio:N/A Character Description : Height:N/A Weight:N/A Eye Color:N/A Hair Color:N/A Clothes:N/A Rank: Class E Battle Record: 0-0-0 NPC Record:0-0-0 Individual Points:0 Job:Weapons Specialist Money:11,000 Email: :[email protected] Skill Level:Rookie [+0 Dodges] | [0 Training Sessions] AOL / Aim xplayerxkilla or adamgmaniac Primary Zoid:Zaber Fang Zoid Nickname:Bloody Cat Zoid Colors:white and red Speed:200[ 8 Dodges] Armor:200 Weapons: 50 mm machine gun(15)| 2 pod homing(25) |chainsaw (20)|Bladesx2(30) Equipment:None Record With this Zoid0-0-0 |