Zoid Shop
( big thaknx to red river base for there pic) Order Zoids Here via Shadow. Starter zoids are:Crystal Suarer, Shield Liger, Zaber Fang, GunSniper, Command Wolf, Redler, Pteras, WarShark, Sniker
This is the complete list of every single Zoid available to use by the members of this Role Playing Game. All starter zoids have 200 armor & speed regarless of what eles it says.
Class D
These units are all light, fast, and feature a good deal of manueverability. Unfortunately, most are all lightly armed and not capable of going into combat against anything higher than a Level 2. Pick with caution. Price: $5,000 each
�Zoids That Are sold out :
Class C
Still boasting quick speed, agility and manueverability; these Zoids also come packed with a greater variety of weapons with greater power as well. Again, some may not be adequate for combat against higher class Zoids. Price: $7,500
�Zoids That Are sold out: None
Class B
Not as common-place as the�Class D�and Class C, the Class B's are all well armed and a great choice for starting out on the battlefield. Each is equipped with a good deal of weapons and can pick a fight with nearly any other Zoid in existance. Price: $15,000
�Zoids That Are sold out: None
Class A
All tough as nails, all armed to the teeth, all EXTREMELY dangerous. There isn't much that a�Class A�Zoid can't handle. Please be aware, when joining, you're only allowed to pick ONE Class A. Price: $17,500
�Zoids That Are sold out: None
S Class - AKA Ultimate X
Rare, unique, rare, incredibly powerful, rare, deadly.�The only way to get your hands on�these zoids is to win them in tournaments or if you got a lot of deniro. Price: $30,000
�Zoids That Are sold out: