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Please read all of our rules:

Here is the rules you will find for the CAS armor units. If you do not understand something please email me. Shadow your being normal?!

Normal-Train by writing a paragraph and posting it in the Message Board under Training. If I really like it I might give you two sessions for that, and if this happens you can still do the other session that day. Specify EXACTLY what you and your Zoid did to become stronger. I don't want anything incomplete, and I want specific details.[Don't say that you tested out weapons or equipment and thats it!] Spice up your sessions by ending up in a battle[[Hint hint!]].
  • >Spar-Spar is a friendly fight. Do a battle with a team member. Does not lower Zoid stats or missiles. No REF needed(unless suggested).
  • Include Pilot Name and Team Name for regular Trianing, or Both Pilots and Team for Spars.

    Skill Levels

    Rookie, Skilled Rooike->Amateur->Veteran->Master->Warrior->Professional Warrior->Master Warrior->Unmatched Warrior->(Need 10 wins in a row to get to...)Legendary Warrior.
    For each skill level you go up your Zoids get 3+ dodges per level. 10 training sessions will result in a promotion of skill level. 1 spar=1 Training session. You can do 2 Training sessions per day. Spars can be done between only team mates and members in the alliance you belong in. Other things will happen that plays off of your pilot level.

      Here's something to make things more interesting:
    1. You can do upto 2 spars a day.
    2. Only 2 Spars with the same team member everyday.
    3. Winner of the Spar gets 2 Training Sessions and Loser gets 1.

    You Can move up Classes by winning 10 battles. They do not have to be in a row! You move up skill levels by winning 3 battles IN A ROW.( Not NPC)

    Shadow:"Alright,YEAH!!":shadow goes knofue stlye: " WUHA!!!" :chops liger on the head: