The titan has yet changed again , somehow it has posesed the Mystic Fury X so wathc yout selfs and inform raven or kyo if you have sighted this mostrosity
Titans Status
Mystic Fury X
(Class X): Zoid Colors: Pure Black with red caps , eyes , and teath Speed:3,500,000[25,000dodges] Armor:2,700,000 Shield:1,100,000 Weapons: Dual Shock Proton Beam Cannons x2 (290,000)|Psycho Chartical Beam Blaster (100,000)| Ghost Strike X4 (240,000)| Demon Crusher Cannon (100,000)| Delta Cannom Mark II (120,000), Fury Destruction Blades ( 400,000 , charged Charged Partical Death Beam instantly), Charged Partical Death Beam (Instant Kill ),Duel Gravity Hybrid Cannons( 400,000), Guardian Cannon BZ 500mm ( 250,000 but paralizes for 2 turns), Vortex Charged Partical Beam Cannon ( 500,000 damnage), 840 Air Strike (600,000), Wing Plasma Blades ( 50,000), 200mm Wing Plasma Cannons ( 150,000), Rotating Fury Plazma Blades ( 400,000 ), Tripple Charged Partical Shot ( 900,000) Equipment: A.I.| Flight Pack AT| Reflective Sheild|Anti AI|Psycho Regeneration (+ 100,500 armor, Speed Drops to 15,000 once per fight)|Ghost Armor X 10 |Advanced Patch|Viral Antadote ( stops all Virus's)|Ghost Boosters X10|Delta Force|Black Box|Delta Shield x2|Delta Shield x2|Delta Armor Delux Model Coating|Dodge Chip x5|Fury Omega Chipx2|Terminatorx2|Dodge Computer x2|Flight Pac AT x3|Elimental Triforce Blast(750,000)|Preditor X Chip,Tripple Compound Lead Armor X ( adds damnage to armor , instead of subtracting), Vortex Armor, Preditor Chip X, Holographic Projector , Shield Buster , Reflective Shield , Hologenic Armor, Cover Gale ( Stops any thing from messing with this zoids equiptment), Double Tri-force Nightmare ( Freezes all oponents for 3 turns, can be used 7 times in a battle), Omega Concintrated Gravity Beam Cannon (800,000 , takes 2 turns to charge , with hout moving or being hit), Venom Coating ( makes oponent lose 2000 armor avter every turn), 21mm Distruction wings ( Fires 420 missles out of wach wings ) Specials Tellacaneses: Can lift anything with mind Light Speed: can go anywhere instantly Twilight Knight: it gains a Shield and Sword , pilot or friend must be in Danger Fusion Armor: This Zoid can have 2 CAS on at one time Double Pulse Gravity Charged Partical Cannon:Instant Kill , This zoid can use it 2 times per battle, it attacks all oponents on the field, it isdodgeabul, but only if you have Auto Dodge Chip Dragonic Spirit: This zoid beleaves in a fiar fight and will not rest till it has found someone to its level