NPC 1Name: Van Freiheit 2Gender: Male Skill Level: Unmatched Warrior [+24 Dodges] ![]() Organoid Exp. Points: 75 [+375 Stats] Name: Zeke Primary Zoid: [Blue] Blade Liger BS Speed: 510[44 Dodges] Armor: 500 Shield: 600 Weapons: Laser Blades x2 (150) | Blade Mounted Laser Beam Cannons x2 (175) | Steel Alloy Claws x2 (50) | Laser Teeth (80) Equipment: Plasma Shield Generators x2 | Energy Shield Generator | Attack Booster[Restores/Adds 8(Speed +200) Dodges when used(Can use 2 times). Serves as weapon that does 100 damage(Cycle not needed). Increases Melee weapon damage by 25 for 2 turns] | Lock On Computer | Heat Sensors | Mirage Counter (When fused with Zeke) | Artificial Intelligence (When fused with Zeke) | Heavy Duty Suspensions | High Speed Stabilizer Extras: Win: + 2 Training Sessions | + $5,000 || Lose: +1 Training Session | + $2,000 NPC 2Name: Raven 3 [From TV Show]Gender: Male Skill Level: Master Warrior [+21 Dodges] ![]() Organoid Exp. Points: 50 [+250 Stats] Name: Shadow Primary Zoid: Dark Genosaurer Speed: 600 [45 Dodges] Armor: 750 Weapons: Charged Particle Beam Cannon (400 | 1 turn to charge) | Grappling Claws x2 (150) | Dual Barrel Vulcan Gun (125) | Mini-Vulcan Gun (75) Equipment: Artificial Intelligence (When fused with Shadow) | Mirage Counter (When fused with Shadow) | Footlocks x2 | High Energy Thrusters x4[+200 Speed(restores 8 dodges). Can us 2 times. Melee damage +25 for 2 turns] Extras: Win: + $10,000 | +2 Training Sessions || Lose: +5,000 | +1 Training Session NPC 3Name: Raven 4 [From TV Show]Gender: Male Skill Level: Unmatched Warrior [+24 Dodges] ![]() Organoid Exp. Points: 105 [+525 Stats] Name: Shadow Primary Zoid: Geno Breaker Speed: 925 [61 Dodges] Armor: 925 Shield: 800 Weapons: Charged Particle Beam Cannon (500 | Attacks all opponents) | Grappling Claws x2 (175) | Dual 6 Pod Rocket Launcher (150) | Geno-Crushers x2 (150) | Plasma Blade (125) Equipment: Artificial Intelligence (When fused with Shadow) | Mirage Counter (When fused with Shadow) | Footlocks x2 | Cooling Fan[Also allows Geno Breaker to fire CPBC without placing Footlocks] | High Energy Plasma Thrusters x6[Restores 16 dodges(Speed +350). Can be used 1 time] Extras: Win:+ $15,000 | +3 Training Sessions || Lose: +10,000 | +2 Training Sessions NPC 4Name: Irvine 2Gender: Male Skill Level: Professional Warrior [+18 Dodges] Primary Zoid: Lightning Saix IS Speed: 1000 [58 Dodges] Armor: 400 Weapons: Dual Barrel Beam Cannon (140) | Electron Fangs x2 (125) | Steel Alloy Claws x2 (75) Equipment: Lock On Computer | Heat Sensors | Ion Booster[Restores/Adds 17 dodges(Speed +425). Can use 2 Times. Melee damage +25 for 1 turn after use] Extras: Win: + $5,000 | + 1 Training Session NPC 5Name: HiltzGender: Male Skill Level: Warrior [+15 Dodges] ![]() Organoid Exp. Points: 50 [+250 to Stats] Name: Ambient Primary Zoid: Helcat Speed: 800 [47Dodges] Armor: 500 Weapons: Charged Particle Cannons x3 (200 | Attacks all opponents) Equipment: Lock On Computer | Infared Scanner | Pulse Detector | Footlocks x2 | Cooling Fan | Stealth Camouflage Armor Extras: Win: + $10,000 | +1 Training Session || Lose: +2,000 | +3 Training Sessions NPC 6Name: ReiceGender: Female Skill Level: Warrior [+15 Dodges] ![]() Organoid Exp. Points: 20 [+100 to Stats] Name: Specular( Specula) Primary Zoid: Crystal Saurer Speed: 900 [51 Dodges] Armor: 900 Weapons: Charged Particle Cannons x2 (250 | Attacks all opponents) | Grappling Claws x2 (100) Equipment: Lock On Computer | Infared Scanner | Pulse Detector | Footlocks x2 | Cooling Fan Extras: Win: + $5,000 | +1 Training Session NPC 7Name: Colonel Karl SchubaltzGender: Male Skill Level: Warrior [+15 Dodges] Primary Zoid: Zaber Fang AT [KS] Speed:550 [37 Dodges] Armor:500 Weapons: Pulse Cannons x2 (100 | Fires at all opponents) | Electron Killer Fangs x2 (50) Equipment: Lock On Computer | Infared Scanner | Pulse Detector NPC 8Name: Lieutenant Thomas SchubaltzGender: Male Skill Level: Warrior [+15 Dodges] Primary Zoid: Dibison Speed: 800 [45 Dodges] Armor: 1700 Weapons: 17-Shot Bash Cannon (125) | Megalo-Max (550) | Micro Missile Pods x2 (100) Equipment: Beke Computer System[Includes Artificial Intelligence, Mirage Counter, Heat Sensors, Pulse Detector, Lock On Computer, and Anti-Lock On Computer] | Megalo Max Combo Unit(Can be used 4 times per fight) |