Here you will find the rules that don't fit under anything else. These you either get it or you dont. Shadow is getting weirder... Misc.1. Newbies going into battle must past a "Battle Test" to prove to the ref they are ready for the battle. The ref asks about 3-5 questions to each Pilot and if they fail, the battle is cancelled. Also, they must wait 2 days before they can take the test. 2. Can Sell Starting Zoid. But you Can't sell Starting weapons, just return them. 3. Also if you dont follow the rules and a judge finds you, she will warn you. If you keep breaking the rules or ask immensly stupid questions....fines will be as follows: Once---------$1,000 fine Twice--------$5,000 fine Thrice--------$10,000 fine 4 times-------$20,000 fine 5 times-------Week Suspension with readmit with say of webmasters 6 times-------2 Week Suspension with readmit with say of webmasters 7 times-------$20,000 fine with 2 Week Suspension 8 times-------see yeah! your off the site for good.